Theories of Adult Education and Learning
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Mikulec Borut
Basic theoretical currents in adult education: liberal, progressive, behaviorist, humanist, critical (radical), postmodernist.
Epistemological foundations of adult education: positivist epistemology, constructivist epistemology, emancipatory epistemology, instrumental epistemology.
Basic paradigms in adult education (positivist, interpretive, critical) and important thinkers in adult education (e.g. Dewey, Lindeman, Illich, Gelpi, Freire, etc.).
Purposes and aims of adult education (the role of adult education in achieving a "good" society; the economic, reproductive and transformative/emancipatory function of adult education).
Conceptual distinction between education (provision, infrastructure, teacher-learner relationship) and learning (individual responsibility, change, adaptation) of adults and the transition from adult education to lifelong learning.
Learning theories and their derivations in the field of adult education: humanistic learning theory (Rogers, Knowles - andragogy, self-directed learning), experiential learning theory (Kolb, Jarvis, Illeris), transformative learning theory (Mezirow, Freire, Negt), "bildung" (Humbold, Fuhr), theory of situational (Lave, Wenger) and expansive (Engeström) learning, post-human theoretical approaches (Fenwick, Edwards).
● Bagnall, R. G. in Hodge, S. (2022). Epistemologies and Ethics in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning. Pelgrave Macmillan. ID=140256771
● Belenger, P. (2011). Theories in Adult Learning and Education. Verlag Barbara Budrich. ID=1462118
● Elias, J. L. in Merriam, S. (2005). Philosophical foundations of adult education. Krieger Publishing Company. ID=40733794
● Finger, M. in Asun, J. M. (2001). Adult Education at the Crossroads: Learning Our Way Out. Zed Books. ID=790118
● Foley, G. (ur.) (2000). Understanding Adult Education and Training. Allen & Unwin.
● Jarvis, P. (ur.) (2001). Twentieth century thinkers in adult & continuing education. Kogan Page.
● Merriam, S. B., Caffarella, R. S. in Baumgartner, L. M. (2007). Learning in Adulthood. A Comprehensive Guide. Jossey-Bass. ID=ID= 34155874
Relevant papers and chapters, available at libraries and the World Wide Web.