Special areas of translation: Legal translation
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Paolucci Sandro
The focus will be on:
a) different approaches to translating legal texts
- typical features of legal language
- differences in legal systems
- equivalence in translating legal texts
- different types of legal texts (normative, explanatory, argumentative, informative)
- the importance of function of legal translations
- different strategies in legal translation
b) basic notions of legal science
Comparative law and legal translation; introduction to legal science: definition of basic terms (e.g. law, the state, legal rule, legal sources, legal acts, legal relation, branches of law/different types of law, legal systems etc.); the main characteristics of the constitution of the Republic of Slovenia; system of government and the organization of the state of the Republic of Slovenia; main characteristics of selected foreign legal systems.
- CAO, Deborah. 2007. Translating law. Clevedon – Buffalo – Toronto: Multilingual Matters. COBISS.SI-ID - 39716962
- PAOLUCCI, Sandro. 2011. The problem of equivalence in translating legal texts, Lebende Sprachen, vol. 56. COBISS.SI-ID - 9392391
- PAOLUCCI, Sandro. 2017. Translating names of constitutional bodies in legal texts: Italian translation of names of Slovenian constitutional bodies in different types of legal texts. The Journal of Specialised Translation 27(1). 75-103. art_paolucci.pdf (jostrans.org)
- PAVČNIK, Marijan, CERAR, Miro, NOVAK, Aleš. 2021. Uvod v pravoznanstvo. Učbenik in gradivo za predavanja, seminar, vaje. Ljubljana: Uradni list RS. COBISS.SI-ID – 72409859 3 izd.
- ŠARČEVIČ, Susan. 2000. New Approach to Legal Translation. The Hague – London – Boston: Kluwer Law International. COBISS.SI-ID – 43615330