Applied Psychometrics

Applied Psychometrics

Study Cycle: 2

Lectures: 60

Seminars: 45

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 7

Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Sočan Gregor, prof. dr. Bucik Valentin, prof. dr. Podlesek Anja

The history of psychological testing. Theory of Measurement in Differential Psychology. Types of tests and test procedure. Components and properties of the quality test. Transferring the test theory to diagnostic and prognostic practice. Areas of application of psychological tests. Maximum performance tests. Typical achievement tests. Projective, clinical, screening and other special tests. Neuropsychological testing, measurement of functional properties of sensory organs and neurophysiological methods. Review of tests in the local area. Overview of selected foreign tests. Preparation of the test for another linguistic and cultural environment. Critics of the paper-pencil testing and alternative possibilities. Ethical aspects of psychological testing. Psychological testing in a social and ideological context. Selected topics of psychological testing.