Application for Enrolment - The Undergraduate Programmes

Applicants to first-cycle undergraduate study programmes must submit the application for enrolment via the eVŠ portal within the deadline specified in the call for enrolment. Call for enrolment in first-cycle undergraduate study programmes in the academic year 2024/2025 is published here (only available in Slovene).

Instructions on how to fill in the application can be found here.

The call for enrolment in first-cycle undergraduate study programmes is published annually, usually in February for the following academic year.

More information can be found here:

All students pay an enrolment fee for each additional academic year of study, which may vary depending on the academic year.

The tuition fee for academic year is 3,000 EUR. Students can pay the tuition fee in lump sum or in instalments. The fees are published in the faculty price list.

Tuition is paid by students for:

• part-time studies,

• full-time studies, but only under the conditions stated below:

a) Slovenian citizens and citizens of EU members or countries with which Slovenia has signed a bilateral agreement * (principle of reciprocity):

• if they have already obtained at least an equivalent level of education (first cycle) **; 

• if, upon changing the study programme, they enrol in the same or a lower year and have previously exercised the right to repeat the year or change the study programme at the same level of study; 

• if they re-enroll in the same study program/course of study from which they previously withdrew.

* This applies to citizens of the Republics of Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo.

** Students enrolled on parallel (full-time) studies (first cycle) are not charged with tuition fees if they are already enrolled in the study programme or course in which they obtain the level of education that corresponds to at least the level of education obtained in the parallel study programme or course. (applies only to students who graduate from 17.10.2023 onwards)

The number of applications, limitations and enrolment slots is available here.

Candidates applying for first-cycle undergraduate study programmes should prove that they meet the enrolment conditions according to the Higher Education Act as well as other admission criteria, according to the chosen study programme.

In the case of limited access, applications will be assessed based on selection criteria specific to the study programme for which the candidates have applied to.

Enrolment conditions and selection criteria (in case of restricted access) are available in the presentation brochures as well as in the call for enrolment that is available here.

The deadlines for applying to undergraduate study programs (first cycle) in the first year are as follows:

Slovene citizens, citizens of EU member states and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship; Citizens of non EU who have their permanent residence in Slovenia and are themselves or at least one of their parents or guardians resident in the Republic of Slovenia for tax purposes until the start of the selection procedure; persons granted international or temporary protection status and applicants for international or temporary protection who have obtained this status by the start of the selection procedure; foreign (non-EU) citizens who have completed their secondary education in the Republic of Slovenia and passed the matura (Non-EU citizens who have completed their international secondary education in the Republic of Slovenia are not eligible to apply.) apply for places available for Slovene citizens and citizens of EU member states and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship citizenships, namely:

  • to apply in the first application period, the application must be submitted electronically to eVŠ from February 20th to March 20th, 2024*;

(*During the period from 2nd to 4th March 2024, the registration application will be disrupted due to the IT overhaul of the Spatial Units Register. More detailed information on the status of the registration application during this period will be published on

  • to apply in the second application period (to possible places that will remain unfilled after the first application), the application must be submitted electronically to eVŠ from August 21st to August 27th, 2024;
  • in order to apply within the deadline for filling still available enrolment places (for part-time studies only!), the application together with the attachments must be submitted electronically from September 25th to September 26th, 2024 by 10 a.m.

Citizens of non EU member states apply to the corresponding available enrolment places for citizens of non EU member states, namely:

  • to apply in the first application period, the application must be submitted electronically to eVŠ from February 20th to April 19th, 2024. Thdeadline for submitting the attachments to the application is April 19th, 2024 at the latest for candidates who already have final certificates, and no later than August 1st, 2024 for candidates to whom the certificate will be issued in 2024.
  • to apply in the second application period, the application must be submitted electronically to eVŠ from 3rd to 4th September, 2024, the deadline for submitting the attachments to the application is 4th September 2024 (the decision on recognition of education is a mandatory attachment).

Candidates should pay attention to when the deadline is for the electronic submission of applications and attachments to the application for enrolment, as after these deadlines the submission of applications or attachments is no longer possible.

Study programs where enrolment places are still available will be published on this site.

  • Deadlines for applying to undergraduate study programs for enrolment in the higher year of studies (according to the criteria for transitions or under the conditions for faster advancement)
  • for enrolment in the higher year of studies is from September 1st to 16th, 2024.

Registration takes place via the eVŠ portal.

It is necessary to carefully follow the instructions for registration and filling out the application.

For any support in filling in the application form, please contact:

Assistance with entering the application for enrolment - SI-PASS system:
Phone: 00 386 1 478 85 90 (from 8:00 AM until 22:00 PM CET during working days).

The admission procedure at the University of Ljubljana is also shortly presented here.

The presentation of study at the University of Ljubljana is also available n many other languages: sloveneenglishbosniancroatianmacedonianmontenegrinserbianukrainianrussian, chinesespanishitaliangermanhungarianfrench and portugal.

Application for enrolment in the first year of studies

Candidates should submit their applications to the call for enrolment into 1st year of studies by the deadlines in the call for enrolment if they want to enrol into 1st year or change their programme/course.

Application for enrolment in the higher year of studies

Application for enrolment in the higher year of studies is meant for:

  • Candidates who are already students of Faculty of Arts and fullfil the criteria for enrolment into higher year of the new study programme/course (have obtained the required number of ECTS for enrolment into higher year of new programme/course)
  • Other candidates, who have already passed some study obligations in other study programme in Slovenia or abroad (have obtained the required number of ECTS for enrolment into higher year of new programme/course), and wish to continue/finish their studies at the Faculty of Arts

Candidates who wish to apply for enrolment into higher year of studies, should contact the Adminitrative Office Undergraduate Programmes for more information.

The information day for undergraduate study programmes (first-cycle) of the Faculty of Arts for academic year 2024/2025 will take place on 16th and 17th February 2024. All information on information days for the individual cycle of studies (the schedule of the information day and all information on study programmes/courses) will be published here.

The admission procedure at the University of Ljubljana is also shortly presented here.

The presentation of study at the University of Ljubljana is also available n many other languages: slovene, english, bosnian, croatian, macedonian, montenegrin, serbian, ukrainian, russian, chinese, spanish, italian, german, hungarian, french and portugal.

According to the Assessment and Recognition of Education Act, candidates, holders of foreign qualifications (certificates obtained outside the Republic of Slovenia), who wish to enrol in undergraduate (first-cycle) study programmes of the Faculty of Arts, must fulfil of the enrolment conditions by the decision on the recognition of foreign education.  

Candidates with foreign qualifications are considered to have applied for the recognition of their entry qualifications with the application form with which they have applied on the eVŠ portal.

The following documents for recognition of foreign education are required:

1. Original of the final (upper secondary school) certificate(s) legalized according to the system of legalization in the country of issue, legalised based on:

  • The 1961 Hague Convention (at the court with territorial jurisdiction where the certificate or diploma has been issued); with properly filled in apostille form affixed or
  • The Authentication of Documents in International Traffic Act.

Countries for which no legalization is required:

  • Austria,
  • Bulgaria,
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • Cyprus (for documents issued by public higher education institutions and universities),
  • Czech Republic,
  • France,
  • Greece,
  • Croatia,
  • Hungary,
  • Republic of Macedonia,
  • Romania,
  • Serbia.

2. Photocopy of the original certificate(s) referred to in No. 1.

3. Certified Slovene or English translation of the certificate(s) referred to in No. 1 (not necessary for certificate(s) in Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, and Serbian - if issued in Latin alphabet).

4. Annual report cards, transcripts, a diploma supplement or some other evidence on the contents and duration of education.

5. Certified Slovene or English translation of the certificate(s) referred to in No. 4 (not necessary for certificate(s) in Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, and Serbian - if issued in Latin alphabet).

6. Short chronological description of the entire education (statement by the applicant).

Parallel Study

Parallel study is study following separate programmes of the University.

First-cycle students may enrol in parallel study after having successfully completed the first year of the first-cycle studies. The application to another parallel study programme is also possible after successful completion of higher year of studies, but at the latest upon enrolment in the final year of the first study programme. 

Student has to send the following supporting documents:

  • certificate of enrolment in a higher year of the first study programme;
  • a copy of general Matura certificate or vocational Matura certificate with the notification of the passed appropriate general Matura examination (fifth subject). Candidates for enrolment in parallel studies submit the application for parallel studies within the deadline specified in the annual call for enrolment (expected from September 1 to September 17) via an electronic application on the on the eVŠ portal.

If the number of candidates for parallel enrolment exceeds the number of available places for parallel study, candidates will be selected based on the criteria as stated in the call for enrolment.

Enrolment in combined study programmes or courses is not considered parallel study.

Students enrolled on parallel (full-time) studies (first cycle) are not charged with tuition fees if they are already enrolled in the study programme or course in which they obtain the level of education that corresponds to at least the level of education obtained in the parallel study programme or course. (applies only to students who graduate from 17.10.2023 onwards)

Study of graduates

Graduates can also apply for undergraduate studies (first cycle) for enrolment, either:

  • on the avaialble places for full-time or part- time studies in the manner and within the deadlines referred to in point I of the Call for enrolment, where they are applying with a secondary school.

In accordance with Article 77 of the Higher Education Act, tuition fee payment is provided for studies at these enrolment places, regardless of whether they are full-time or part-time studies.

During their first year at the University of Ljubljana, international students may attend the so-called Year Plus, in which they can learn Slovene. Year Plus is designed to help international students to adapt to the Slovenian system and culture in their first year of study in Slovenia.

More information regarding conditions and how and when to apply is available here.