Roka s pisalom

Frequently Asked Questions

Applicants for enrolment in first-cycle undergraduate study programmes must submit an application for enrolment within the deadline through the eVŠ portal following the procedure published in the annual call for enrolment.

Students can attend information day, which usually takes place on Friday and Saturday (expected in the middle of February). The information on detailed date is available here tab, »Information day«.

For general information, please contact the Administrative Office for Undergraduate Programmes (First-Cycle), located in Room 35A on the ground floor of the Faculty of Arts. Office hours are Monday to Friday from 11AM to 1PM. We are also available by phone or email for all of your questions. Phone numbers and email addresses can be found on our website.

The call for enrolment into Bachelor and Single-Cycle Master degree programmes is published annually at:

  • The website of the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation
  • The website of the University of Ljubljana;
  • The website of University of Arts (pages of the Administrative Office for Undergraduate Programmes (First-Cycle)).

The procedure for changing the study programme is described in detail under »Guidelines«: »Change of study programme«. In every case (enrolment into 1st year, enrolment into higher year), you must apply to the call for enrolment through eVŠ portal.

It is not required to withdraw during the academic year. If you are enrolling in another faculty, please withdraw after you have already received an invitation to enrol at the new faculty. If you are changing the study programme within the Faculty of Arts, withdraw is not required. As soon as you withdraw, you will lose all the rights you are entitled to as a student (right to subsidised student meals, right to a scholarship, health insurance as a family member - both compulsory and supplementary health insurance will have to be arranged by yourself).

You can print out or save certificate of enrolment in Slovenian or English by yourself in the student information system VIS, tab »My Data« (»Moji podatki«), »Enrolment certificate« (»Potrdilo o vpisu«.).

You can print out or save transcript of records in Slovenian or English by yourself in the student information system VIS, tab »My Data« (»Moji podatki«), »Transcript of records« (»Potrdilo o opravljenih obveznostih«).

The options depend on how many obligations you have completed. Upon completion of obligations for points (ECTS), the enrolment in the higher year is automatic. If you fulfil obligations in the range of 51 to 53 credits points, you can submit a request for an exceptional enrolment in the higher year of studies with missing credit points. If you complete fewer obligations, you can use the option of re-enrolment if you have not yet used it (or if you have not changed the study programme). The conditions for re-enrolment are however listed on the website for each study programme.

Irrespective of the extent of the obligations completed, you can apply for an extension of your student status if you have justified reasons.

Yes, you can perform your obligations within two years after losing your student status without submitting a request. You however have to pay for performing your obligations in accordance with the price list of the faculty.

After the expiry of two years period from the loss of student status, a student is considered to have interrupted his studies and must submit a request for continuation or completion of studies after interruption. You submit the request in accordance with the prescribed procedure (via student information system VIS). You will receive a decision regarding your request in the student information system VIS, which will specify the obligations and conditions for the completion of the studies an invoice for payment in electronic form.

You pay the tuition fees if you are a part-time student. If you are a full time student, you pay tuition fees if you had already used the opportunity of re-enrolment or if you had changed the study programme.

Applicants who enrol in places for graduates, regardless of whether they enrol in full-time or part-time studies, also pay the tuition fees. When enrolling in the first year of parallel studies, full time students are not required to pay tuition fees, providing they do not have yet the level of education that corresponds at least to the level of education obtained under the study programme in which they are about to enrol.

You can take additional courses only if you are already a first-cycle student at the Faculty of Arts.

To take additional courses, you have to submit a request to the Committee for student questions and guidance (Odbor za študentska vprašanja in usmerjanje) in accordance with the prescribed procedure. If your request for taking the additional courses is approved, you will pay them in accordance with the price list of the faculty. 

If you are not able to enter the student information system VIS after typing your password and username, you have probably typed the wrong password (pay attention to upper and lower case letters of the password). In case you lose your username, password the Administrative Office for Undergraduate Programmes (First-Cycle) can issue a new one.

If you are unable to solve a problem, report an error at the following website: -> Report problems.

The Administrative Office for Undergraduate Programmes (First-Cycle) will issue you a certificate of completed studies after you have completed all the obligations prescribed by the study programme. We will send you the certificate and the transcript of records by your official email during your studies at the first cycle of studies. You have to let us know if you need also a certificate of completed study in English.

Status študenta z zaposlitvijo ne preneha. Z zaposlitvijo prenehajo določene pravice, vezane na študentski status (npr. subvencionirana prehrana, prevoz, bivanje v študentskem domu itd.).