Faculty Management

DeanProf. Mojca Schlamberger Brezar
Phone:+386 1 241 10 05


Associate DeansAssoc. Prof. Matej Hriberšek
 Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies (1st Cycle) and Postgraduate Studies (2nd Cycle) and Information Systems
Phone:+386 1 241 10 05


 Assoc. Prof. Sašo Jerše
 Associate Dean of Doctoral Studies (3rd Cycle) and Research
Phone:+386 1 241 10 05


 Prof. Mojca Smolej
 Associate Dean of Quality Assurance and Publishing
Phone:+386 1 241 10 05


 Prof. Irena Samide
 Associate Dean of Faculty Management, Organisation and International Cooperation
Phone:+386 1 241 10 05


 Andraž Fink
 Student Associate Dean
Phone:+386 1 241 11 82


Secretary GeneralTanja Hribar
E-mail:tanja.hribar@ff.uni-lj.si; tajnik@ff.uni-lj.si
Phone:+386 1 241 10 03

In 2019, the Faculty of Arts celebrated its centennial

On 3 December 1919 at 9 a.m. the first lecture began in the former State Mansion of Carniola, thus ushering in the birth of the Faculty of Arts and the University of Ljubljana.