Library services

Full-time students of the Faculty of Arts pay the registration fee when enrolling at the Faculty of Arts. By filling in a registration form one automatically becomes a member of all 18 departmental libraries of the Central Humanities Library.

Exchange students of the Faculty of Arts become members when they register in one of the departmental libraries by filling in a registration form. There are no additional registration fees.

Full-time students from other faculties of the University of Ljubljana become members when they register in one of the departmental libraries by filling in a registration form. There are no additional registration fees.

Exchange students from other faculties of the University of Ljubljana become members when they register in one of the departmental libraries by filling in a registration form. There are no additional registration fees.

The University of Ljubljana Student ID serves as a library card and is valid in all libraries of the University of Ljubljana, in the National and University Library (NUK) and in the Central Technical Library (CTK).

Other users are issued a membership card after paying the fees in one of the departmental libraries.

Documents required upon registration:

  • students: Student ID, identity document,
  • other foreign citizens: identity document, temporary residence permit, guarantor.

A valid University of Ljubljana Student ID or a library card is needed for borrowing library materials. A student/library card is not transferable to another person. To borrow books, periodicals, etc.:

1.) Search for bibliographic information in the ‘Virtual Library of Slovenia’ called COBISS+ in:

  • all libraries, or
  • enter the library acronym, name, department or city, e. g. FFLJ for the local OHK FF catalogue (choose the appropriate departmental library or all departments from the drop-down menu).

2.) Write out the entire shelfmark (call number), located at the bottom of the entry, e.g.:

OHK-Slovenistika in slavistika L.A I 3684 CANKAR I. Ward – located in the Library of the Departments of Slovenian Studies and Slavistics

OHK-Germanistika 886.3 CANKAR I. Ward of our Lady – located in the Library of the Departments of English, German, and Translation Studies

3.) Present the shelfmarks to the librarian at the loan desk.

4.) The librarian will bring you the requested items and scan the barcodes. The due date will be recorded on the loan slip.

5.) For the materials which do not have barcodes, a borrowing slip has to be filled in.

Most reference materials can be used in the departmental libraries and in the common reading room. They have to be returned on the same day to the departmental library during office hours or left in the book return boxes on the ground floor (please make sure that all items drop down properly). The use of the book return boxes is at your own risk.

The loan period for books is usually one month or two weeks but departmental libraries can set their own rules regarding the loan period depending on the type of materials. In general periodicals, handbooks, undergraduate, master’s and doctoral theses as well as special library materials cannot be borrowed for home use.

Items on loan can be renewed in person, by telephone, email or through COBISS+ using the My Libraries service.

Materials can be reserved in person, by telephone, email or through My Libraries. When the materials become available, an email is automatically sent to the borrower. The availability of one’s reserved items can also be checked in My Libraries. They have to be collected within 3 days of notification, otherwise the member is charged 1 € fine per item.

Items on loan can be returned to the departmental library during office hours. Outside office hours, they can be inserted into the book return boxes on the ground floor (please make sure that all items drop down properly). The use of the book return boxes is at your own risk.

Če oddelčnih knjižnic ne uspete obiskati med uradnimi urami, lahko gradivo naročite in v času odprtosti fakultete prevzamete v paketnikih OHK FF:

  • na Zavetiški v pritličju ob kavomatu je 1 predal za etnološko in za arheološko knjižnico,
  • na Aškerčevi pri glavnem vhodu je 12 predalov za vse ostale oddelčne knjižnice. 

Prosto gradivo naročite preko COBISS+ ali mCOBISS*.

* Trenutno se pojavi možnost rezervacije za prevzem iz paketnika, če iščete v:

  • FFLJ - FF, Osrednja humanistična knjižnica, Ljubljana – vsi oddelki ali


  • urejeno članstvo
  • V uporabniškem profilu Moj COBISS mora biti nujno vpisana telefonska številka za SMS-obveščanje. Če je ni, to uredite v svojem profilu Moj COBISS ali v knjižnici. 
Primer ureditve v COBISSu


Gradivo čaka na prevzem v paketniku 2 dni (48 ur) od trenutka vložitve in pošiljanja sporočila. Čakanja gradiva v paketniku ni mogoče podaljšati.

Rok izposoje prične teči ob prevzemu gradiva iz paketnika.

Roke za vračilo gradiva preverite v aplikaciji mCOBISS ali v svojem profilu Moj COBISS na spletu.

Storitev je brezplačna, neprevzem gradiva se zaračuna po veljavnem ceniku.

Če so vsi paketniki zasedeni, naročilo za prevzem iz paketnika ni mogoče oz. je mogoče takoj, ko je na voljo prost predal.

Če boste opravili več različnih naročil z nekaj časovne razlike ali iz več oddelčnih knjižnic, vas bo gradivo čakalo v različnih predalih.

Gradiva s signaturno oznako SKL ni mogoče rezervirati.

Gradiva večjega formata ni mogoče prevzeti v paketniku.

Največje možno število naročil je določeno v vsaki oddelčni knjižnici posebej.

Paketniki niso namenjeni vračilu gradiva. Vrnete ga lahko v oddelčne knjižnice ali knjižne nabiralnike.

Kako prevzamete gradivo?

Ko je gradivo dostavljeno v paketnik, ste o tem obveščeni na mobilni telefon preko SMS-sporočila. V sporočilu je navedeno, v katerem predalu vas čaka gradivo (npr. A1, B2, C3 …).

Na lokaciji lahko naročeno gradivo iz paketnika prevzamete na dva načina, in sicer:

Brez mobilne aplikacije 

Ko pridete po gradivo, pred paketnikom odprete SMS-sporočilo, v katerem je povezava na spletno stran, ki vas vodi skozi cel proces.

Z mobilno aplikacijo

Možna je namestitev brezplačne aplikacije, kjer lahko ob prejetem obvestilu paketnik odklenete le s klikom na znak ključavnice in sledite navodilom.

Ko prevzamete naročeno gradivo, morate vrata paketnika zapreti.

Navodila za prevzem gradiva so tudi na paketniku.

Gradivo, ki v 48 urah ne bo prevzeto, bo vrnjeno v knjižnico. Neprevzem gradiva se zaračuna po veljavnem ceniku.

There are three book return boxes on the ground floor. Please make sure that all items drop down properly. The use of the book return boxes is at your own risk.

The common reading room (Room 015) in the basement is open Monday to Saturday 6:00-22:00.