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Open Access in Humanities

International conference organised in 2018 as part of

According to the National Strategy of Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Slovenia 2015-2020, researchers and (academic) publishers will be obliged to publish all their publications, articles and research data derived from nationally funded research in the form of open access in two years. Are researchers, publishers and institutions that are dependent on Slovenian Research Agency calls (e.g., for the issue of scientific journals and monographs) prepared? Is there an infrastructure in Slovenia that would enable publishers and researchers to publish their works in the form of open access? Who will cover the costs associated with the publication of publicly accessible publications? What are the advantages of open access and how are the challenges of open access facing abroad?

ORGANIZERS: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, and University of Ljubljana as OpenAIRE National Open Access Desk.

DATE: 22 May 2018 from 11 am til 2.30 p.m

VENUE: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva 2, Ljubljana. Lecture hall No. 2 (ground floor of Faculty of Arts). Videostreaming to the web and permanent availability of video (link to videostreaming is at the bottom of the web page). 

REGISTRATION: via web form, no registration fee.

LANGUAGE: Foreign lecturers will carry out the presentations in English. Chair persons will introduce presenters in Slovenian. The panel discussion will be carried out in English (there will be no translation from English to Slovenian).

TARGETED STAKEHOLDERS: Researchers from the humanities, Slovenian publishers of  peer reviewed journals and scientific monographs in the humanities, National Contact Points (NCPs). Representative of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport will participate as well as a representative of the Slovenian Research Agency which is the major research funder in the country.

GENERAL CONTACT: Dr Matevž Rudolf (, +386 1241 11 81)

CONTACT FOR FOREIGN PRESENTERS: Dr Mojca Kotar (, +386 1 2418 679)


Programme of the conference

Name, surname, organization   

Topic/title of presentation 

Dr Roman Kuhar, dean of the Faculy of Arts, University of Ljubljana

Welcome address

dr. Ernesto Priego, City University of London

Open access monographs in the humanities / Open Library of Humanities

PP - Ernesto Priego

Mr Pierre Mounier, projects OPERAS and HIRMEOS

European e-infrastructure for open access publications in the social sciences and humanities

PP - Pierre Mounier

Mr Martin Donnelly, Digital Curation Centre and FOSTER project, University of Edinburgh

Data and Openness in the Arts and Humanities

PP - Martin Donnelly 

Dr Matevž Rudolf and M.A. Eva Vrbnjak, Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts

Slovenian case of good practice on open access in the humanities (Open Journal System, Open Monograph Press)

Assist Prof Dr Darja Fišer, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts and CLARIN

CLARIN and open data in the humanities

PP - Darja Fišer

M.A. Irena Vipavc Brvar in Dr Sonja Bezjak, Social Science Data Archives

Social Science Data Archives: 20 years of digital preservation research data 

PP - Brvar & Bezjak

Dr Ernesto Priego, City University of London

Mr Pierre Mounier, projects OPERAS and HIRMEOS

Mr Martin Donnelly, Digital Curation Centre and FOSTER project, University of Edinburgh

prof dr József Györkös, Director of The Slovenian Research Agency 

Dr Meta Dobnikar, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

Dr Matevz Rudolf, Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts

Panel discussion.

How to establish open access in Slovenian academic publishing and researching?

About participants:

  • Dr Ernesto Priego, City University of London: Dr Ernesto Priego has a PhD in Information Studies (University College London) and is a researcher affiliated to the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities. He co-founded and coordinates the editorial work of The Comics Grid Journal of Comics Scholarship, a pioneering open access academic rapid publication project. Dr Priego serves in various international digital humanities academic committees, including the ad hoc communications committee of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations' and the executive council of the Association for Computers in the Humanities. His research interests include comics scholarship, digital humanities, library science, open access publishing, online and mobile journalism, social media, alt-metrics, big data research and scholarly communications.
  • Mr Pierre Mounier, projects OPERAS and HIRMEOS: Mr Pierre Mounier is researcher at School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (Paris) – his research interests include digital publishing for humanities and social sciences –, associate director of OpenEdition and coordinator of OPERAS, a distributed Research Infrastructure project for open scholarly communication. The main goal is to introduce the principle of Open Science and ensure effective dissemination and global access to research results in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Mr Mounier is associate Director of the Center for open electronic publishing (Cléo), member of the OpenEdition scientific committee, member of the scientific committee Member of the Huma-Num Scientific Committee.
  • Mr Martin Donnelly, Digital Curation Centre and FOSTER project, University of Edinburgh: Mr Martin Donnelly is Senior Institutional Support Officer at The Digital Curation Centre, centre of expertise in digital curation with a focus on building capability and skills for research data management. Before joining the University of Edinburgh Mr Donnelly was Technology Assessor and Tutor/Lecturer at the Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute at the University of Glasgow. His main curation focus is on data management planning and policy. He wrote an early book chapter on data management planning in 2012, and was co-author of the DCC's original "Checklist for a Data Management Plan". Mr Donnelly currently serves as an external expert reviewer for European Commission Data Management Plans, sits on the Digital Preservation Coalition's Communications and Advocacy sub-committee, and is a Fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute
  • Dr Gregor Majdič is a professor of physiology at the Veterinary Faculty (University of Ljubljana) and Faculty of Medicine (University of Maribor). He is researcher in the field of molecular neuroendocrinology (the action of genes and hormones, especially in relation to the brain) and the author of numerous quoted articles. Currently, he is the head of the Center for Animal Genomics at the Veterinary Faculty (Ljubljana), professional director of biotechnology company Animacel and the president of the Commission of the University of Ljubljana for research and development work.
  • Dr Matevž Rudolf graduated at Department of Sociology and Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, where he had also achieved his PhD in 2012 with a thesis on the contemporary film adaptation in Slovene cinematography. He worked as a managing editor of jurnal Premiera at publishing house UMco. Since 2010  he is working as a publishing executive at Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts.
  • M.A. Eva Vrbnjak received her master's degree at the Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. She was a member of editorial board of magazine Bukla, a contributor to daily newspaper Delo, a member of editorial board of fortnightly for art, culture and society Pogledi, executive editor of web page, editor at Goga Publishing House and editor of web page eRast. Since October 2017, she is senior professional at Ljubljana University press, Faculty of Arts.
  • Assist Prof Dr Darja Fišer is Chair of the unit for lexicology, terminology and language technologies at the Department of Translation Studies of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. She teaches courses on corpus linguistics and translation technologies. As a researcher, she is currently active in the fields of computer-mediated communication and lexical semantics using corpus-linguistics methods and natural language processing. She is President of the Slovenian Language Technologies Society, Chair of the FoLLI Steering Committee of the biggest European summer school on language, logic and computation ESSLLI and Director of User Involvement of the European research infrastructure for language resources and technology CLARIN.
  • M.A. Irena Vipavc Brvar is an expert assistant at the Social Science Data Archives, Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Ljubljana), where she works with researchers (data providers and data users). She has prepared and led a number of workshops in the field of researching data management, the quality of research data, the use of domestic and international data catalogs, and more. Irena Vipavc Brvar participates in major international projects (eg SERSCIDA and Data Seal of Approval for European Data Archives of CESSDA members).
  • Asist Dr Sonja Bezjak is employed at the Social Science Data Archives, Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Ljubljana). She is primarily engaged in the theme related to open data. He participates in the preparation and implementation of Open Data Workshops, and deals with topics related to the policies of open access to research data, citation of data, data magazines, data management plans, etc. Sonja Bezjak actively participates in training of users and donors of research data.
  • Dr Meta Dobnikar started her career at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, where she worked as a researcher and teacher at Department of Geology for almost 20 years. Within this time she headed the Chair for Mineralogy and petrology for five years and the Department of geology for two years. In 2009 she took the position of the Head of Higher education unit at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, in 2013 she continued her work at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport at Science unit, where she took the position of the Head of the Science unit in july 2015.
  • Prof dr József Györkös is the director of the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) from November 2014 and he is a university professor in the area of computer science and informatics at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Furthermore, he has been member and chair (2013-14) of the EU CONNECT Advisory Forum in ICT Research and Technology. He is a member of the national task group for the open access at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Slovenia.
  • Dr Damjan Popič is a teaching assistant at the Department of Translation, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, where he teaches subjects dealing with Slovene, research methodology, and the use of IT in translation and research. His research interests lie with language technology, corpus linguistics, computer-mediated communication, and language standardization. Prior to his employment at the Faculty of Arts, he was employed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia as a translator and trainee diplomat.

Photo credits: Jure Preglau, Matevž Rudolf



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