Stopnišče Filozofske fakultete

Bodies of the Faculty



Prof. Dr. Mojca Schlamberger Brezar


+386 1 241 10 05

  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matej Hriberšek
  Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies (1st Cycle) and Postgraduate Studies (2nd Cycle) and Information Systems
Phone:  +386 1 241 10 05


  Assoc. Prof. Dr. dr. Sašo Jerše
  Associate Dean of Doctoral Studies (3rd Cycle) and Research
Phone:  +386 1 241 10 05


  Prof. Dr. Mojca Smolej
  Associate Dean of Quality Assurance and Publishing
Phone:  + 386 1 241 10 05


  Prof. Dr. dr. Irena Samide
  Associate Dean of Faculty Management, Organisation and International Cooperation
Phone:  +386 1 241 10 05


  Andraž Fink
  Student Associate Dean
Phone:  +386 1 241 11 82



The Senate is the highest professional body of the Faculty. It is comprised of two full-time university teachers and researchers (full-time being the equivalent of 40 work hours per week)  and 11 student representatives. The Dean is a member of the Senate and the person who convenes the monthly meetings. Meetings can also be convened by the Faculty’s Management Board or the Student Council. In the event of Dean’s absence, the meetings are convened and chaired by the Associate Dean, authorised to act as the Dean’s substitute. The Senate has the right to close a part of the meeting to public.  

1) Dean, red. prof. dr. Mojca Schlamberger Brezar



Department of English

2) prof. dr. Smiljana Komar

3) prof. dr. Mojca Krevel


Department of Archaeology

4) doc. dr. Katharina Zanier

5) doc. dr. Matija Črešnar


Department of Asian Studies

6) izr. prof. dr. Mateja Petrovčič

7) doc. dr. Marija Kristina Hmeljak


Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies

8) prof. dr. Polona Vilar

9) doc. dr. Tanja Merčun Kariž


Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology

10) red. prof. dr. Bojan Baskar

11) izr. prof. dr. Uršula Lipovec Čebron


Department of Philosophy

12) prof. dr. Eva Dolar Bahovec

13) doc. dr. Sebastjan Vörös


Department of Geography

14) izr. prof. dr. Katja Vintar Mally

15) prof. dr. Dejan Rebernik


Department of German, Dutch and Swedish

16) doc. dr. Andreja Retelj

17) doc. dr. Petra Kramberger


Department of Classics

18) doc. dr. Sonja Weiss

19) prof. dr. Marko Marinčič


Department of Musicology

20) prof. dr. Larisa Vrhunc

21) prof. dr. Leon Stefanija


Department of Educational Sciences

22) izr. prof. dr. Tadej Vidmar

23) doc. dr. Danijela Makovec Radovan


Department of Translation Studies

24) doc. dr. Tamara Mikolič Južnič

25) prof. dr. Agnes Pisanski Peterlin


Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory

26) prof. dr. Vanesa Matajc

27) prof. dr. Tone Smole


Department of Comparative and General Linguistics

28) prof. dr. Tatjana Marvin

29) doc. dr. Luka Repanšek


Department of Psychology

30) prof. dr. Sonja Pečjak

31) izr. prof. dr. Anja Podlesek


Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

32) red. prof. dr. Martina Ožbot Currie

33) doc. dr. Marjana Šifrar Kalan


Department of Slavistics

34) izr. prof. dr. Matej Šekli

35) izr. prof. dr. Đurđa Strsoglavec


Department of Slovenian Studies

36) prof. dr. Marko Stabej

37) izr. prof. dr. Urška Perenič


Department of Sociology

38) red. prof. dr. Milica Antić Gaber

39) doc. dr. Gorazd Kovačič


Department of Art History

40) doc. dr. Katja Mahnič

41) doc. dr. Nataša Kavčič


Department of History

42) prof. dr. Peter Štih

43) prof. dr. Božo Repe


Student representatives

44) Anuša Babuder

45) Urban Culetto 

46) Marko Durdubakov

47) Živa Gornik 

48) Vida Jocif

49) Vid Karlovšek

50) Matej Kapus

51) Nejc Kralj

52) Luka Kropivnik

53) Sara Svati Sharan

54) Miha Slatnar

The Senate's boards and commissions

The Commission for Undergraduate and Master’s Studies is comprised of one representative from each of the department’s teachers and researchers, the Student Associate Dean, and the President of the Faculty’s Student Council. The commission is chaired by the Associate Dean. In the event of the latter’s absence, the commission is chaired by the commission member appointed by the Dean. The Commission for Undergraduate and Master’s Studies includes two boards, namely The Board of Student Issues and Orientation, and The Board of Awards for Students. 

The Commission for Undergraduate and Master's Studies:

  • discusses the undergraduate and Master’s programmes and changes to the same, 
  • approves specialisation programmes, 
  • oversees and evaluates study processes and proposes improvements, 
  • coordinates the execution of undergraduate and Master’s studies, 
  • prepares material and proposals for the Faculty’s Senate,  
  • and proposes the Senate’s annual limitation of enrolment in graduate and Master’s programmes. 


The detailed description of the function of the Commission for Doctoral Studies is defined by the Rules and Regulations on Doctoral Studies, as adopted by the Faculty Senate. The commission is comprised of one representative each of the department’s teachers, postgraduate study providers, interdepartmental postgraduate study programmes coordinators, and includes a representative of the Faculty’s postgraduate students nominated by the Faculty’s Student Council. The commission is chaired by the Associate Dean. In the event of the latter’s absence, the commission is chaired by the commission member appointed by the Dean.

The Commission for Doctoral Study:

  • approves doctoral study programmes and recommends them to the Senate,  
  • discusses and proposes the execution of individual doctoral study programmes,  
  • proposes to the Senate individual doctoral candidate’s overseeing commissions,  
  • provides the Senate with evaluations of the competencies of individual candidates and the latter’s doctoral dissertation topics, as well as proposing appropriate advisors and co-advisors, 
  • provides the Senate with the recommendation regarding the grades of individual doctoral dissertations,  
  • coordinates the execution of doctoral studies,  
  • reviews professional reports on doctoral dissertations in accordance with the authorisation of the Senate, 
  • makes recommendations to the Senate regarding the direct transitions of students to doctoral study,  
  • makes decisions regarding  individual requests of doctoral students, 
  • and discusses doctoral students’ initiatives and proposals.  


The Habilitation Commission is appointed by the Senate and is comprised of five university teachers with the title of Full Professor. The meetings are also attended by the president of the Faculty’s Student Council. The Habilitation Commission is led by the commission’s president, who is elected by the members at the constitutive meeting.

The Habilitation Commission: 

  • oversees the election of university teachers, university associates, and researchers,  
  • upon the recommendation of departments, proposes the Senate appointment of rapporteurs to evaluate the qualifications of individual habilitation candidates,  
  • provides the Senate with recommendation regarding elections into the titles of university associates and re-election of university teachers,  
  • advises the Senate regarding the equivalency of research and pedagogical titles in accordance with the Rules on public research organisations,  
  • reviews expert reports on the election and re-election of university associates in accordance with the authorisation of the Senate, and prepares material and proposals for the Senate.  


The commission consists of seven members who are elected by the Senate. Its members include university instructors and associates, university professionals, and a student representative, and it performs the following functions: 

  • oversees the quality of educational, research, artistic, and professional activities at the Faculty,  
  • prepares proposals for the oversight and improvement of the Faculty’s functioning,  
  • prepares annual reports on quality and proposes improvements for the Faculty’s activity,  
  • prepares reports on programme self-evaluation in collaboration with the  organisational units,  
  • and prepares reports on the institutional self-evaluation of the Faculty. 

Departments also have Commissions for Quality Control, consisting of employees and students. These are appointed by departmental councils.  

The Commission for Tutoring represents the Senate’s working body and consists of 10 members. It 

  • organises the training and educating of tutors,  
  • prepares proposals and initiatives regarding the functioning of the tutoring system at the Faculty and submits these to the Commission for Undergraduate and Master’s Studies and to the Senate, 
  • organises evaluations, 
  • prepares the annual report on the Faculty’s tutoring activities and submits this to the assembly of tutors,  
  • and publishes openings for new student tutors and departmental coordinators of student tutors, etc.    

The constitutive meeting of the Commission for Tutoring is called by the Dean of the Faculty. It is led by the president, who is elected by the members of the commission. By the virtue of his or her function, the president is a member of the Commission for Undergraduate and Master’s Studies.  

The commission consists of seven members: the Dean, three members of the teaching staffresearchers, a member of the Central Library of the Humanities, a member of Faculty’s professional services, and a member of the Student Council of the Faculty of Arts. The commission’s term lasts four years. The Student Council member’s term lasts one year.  

Other boards and commissions

A student shall be held liable for disciplinary violations determined in the University regulation governing disciplinary liability. Violations may be minor or major depending on the consequences a student’s actions have in relation to the respect of the law, the University’s rules, code of ethics and pecuniary consequences.

The mandate of the commission lasts for two years.

The Ethics Commission has an extended membership which consists of mentors to candidates who are submitting their proposals. If need can be demonstrated in practice, the extended membership can also be expanded to include required experts from relevant fields.



The work group for resolving students' appeals against the decisions of the Board of Student Issues and Orientation.

The composition and functioning of the Commission is determined by the Regulations on the awarding of Toporišič awards and Toporišič awards for outstanding student achievement of the Faculty of Arts, which were adopted by the Senate of the Faculty of Arts at the meeting on 31 March 2021.The mandate period of the members of the Commission is 4 years.

Council members:

Prof. Dr Gregor Pompe,

Associate Prof. Dr. Beti Žerovc,

Prof. Dr. Tone Smolej,

Associate Prof. Dr Primož Vitez,

Prof. Dr Mojca Krevel,

Assoc. Prof. Dr Lidija Rezoničnik,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tea Sernelj.

The mandate period of the members of the Council is 4 years and runs from 21.12.2022 to 21.12.2026.

Administrative Board of the Faculty of Arts

The Administrative Board is a managing body. It passes decisions regarding the funds, manages the Faculty’s assets as acquired through inheritance, endowments, or gifts, and ensures the uninterrupted functioning of the Faculty in legal transactions in which the latter represents itself and its own account. In matters concerning the National Programme of Higher Education and the National Research Programme, funded by the State, the Administrative Board acts in accordance with the authorisation transferred to the Faculty by the University. 

1. doc. dr. Frančiška Lipovšek, Department of English

2. doc. dr. Andrej Gaspari, Department of Archaeology

3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luka Culiberg, Department of Asian Studies

4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tanja Merčun Kariž, Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies

5. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uršula Čebron Lipovec, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology

6. Associate Prof. Dr. Vojko Strahovnik, Department of Philosophy

7. Associate Prof. Dr. Simon Kušar, Department of Geography

8. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petra Kramberger, Department of German, Dutch and Swedish

9. prof. dr. Jerneja Kavčič, Department of Classics

10. doc. dr. Aleš Nagode, Department of Musicology

11. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Klara Skubic Ermenc, Department of Educational Sciences

12. prof. dr. Tone Smolej, Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory

13. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luka Repanšek, Department of Comparative and General Linguistics

14. prof. dr. Agnes Pisanski Peterlin, Department of Translation Studies

15. prof. dr Matija Svetina, Department of Psychology

16. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Katarina Marinčič, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures

17. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Špela Sevšek Šramel, Department of Slavistics

18. prof. dr. Mateja Pezdirc Bartol, Department of Slovenian Studies

19. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gorazd Kovačič, Department of Sociology

20. prof. dr. Matej Klemenčič, Department of Art History

21. doc. dr. Irena Selišnik, Department of History

22. Mojca Bele, Assistant Professor, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, representative of administrative and technical workers

23. Nives Hüll, representative of the Student Council

Academic Assembly

The Academic Assembly of the Faculty consists of full-time teachers, researchers, and associates, with each of the groups mentioned here proportionally represented. The student representatives also participate in the Academic Assembly’s activities, with their number representing a fifth of all of the members of the Academic Assembly.

The members of the Academic Assembly can be found here (in the section: "Člani akademskega zbora").

The Commissions of the Senate of the University of Ljubljana

On 16 November 2021 the Senate of the University of Ljubljana appointed new members of its commissions. The Faculty of Arts has representatives in 14 commissions out of 20:

  •     Disciplinary Commission (II. degree) for students (doc. dr. Gorazd Kovačič)
  •     The Habilitation Commission (prof. dr. Martina Ožbot Currie)
  •     Commission for undergraduate studies  (izr. prof. dr. Maja Šabec)
  •     Quality Commission (prof. dr. Mojca Smolej)
  •     Commission for awarding honorary titles and awards (prof. dr. Tone Smolej)
  •     Library System Development  (mag. Priscila Gulič)
  •     Statutory Commission (prof. dr. Nike Kocijančič Pokorn)
  •     Commission on Ethical Issues (prof. dr. Borut Ošlaj)
  •     Commission for extra-curricular activities (doc. dr. Adriana Mezeg)
  •     Commission for the award of prizes for major works of art (prof. dr. Matej Klemenčič)
  •     Commission for research and development (prof. dr. Grega Repovš)
  •     Information System Development Commission (izr. Prof. dr. Marko Radovan)
  •     Commission on Student Issues (prof. dr. Hotimir Tivadar)
  •     Commission on Ethics in Research Involving Human Subjects (izr. Prof. dr. Gregor Sočan)

Student Council

The Student Council of the Faculty of Arts (SCFA) is the highest and sole representative student body at the faculty. It is a university body defined by the Higher Education Act, the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana, the Rules of the Faculty of Arts, and the Rules on the Functioning of the SCFA. All students of the Faculty of Arts have the right to run for the position of councillor during the elections.

All full-time and part-time students have the right to vote. The elections are held every year in the second week of November. Once the student representatives have been elected (as a rule the council consists of 22 members: one representative of every department and one graduate student), they elect leadership within the council (a president, vice-president, and secretary). The mandate of the councillors lasts one year. The councillors do not receive any financial compensation for their work or participation at the SCFA meetings or at other Faculty of Arts bodies' meetings. SCFA discusses everything related to the rights and duties of students, provides its opinion on the candidates for the position of faculty Dean, and elects student members of the working and other bodies of the Faculty of Arts. It provides its stance regarding teachers' pedagogical qualifications on behalf of students. It uses the funds acquired for its activities from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology to co-finance various activities related to study (trips, publications, lectures etc.). SCFA's activities are public and are open to all interested parties.

In 2019, the Faculty of Arts celebrated its centennial

On 3 December 1919 at 9 a.m. the first lecture began in the former State Mansion of Carniola, thus ushering in the birth of the Faculty of Arts and the University of Ljubljana.