Economic Psychology

Economic Psychology

Lectures: 15

Seminars: 15

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 3

Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Lep Žan, prof. ddr. Rus Velko

+ Elaboration of some chosen basic notions, models, variables and areas from the field of economics/ economy and marketing.
+ Statistical, metrical (»diagnostic and prognostic«) and (empirical) research (quantitative and qualitative) approaches in economic psychology and marketing.
+ Chosen mathematical – statistical approaches and modelling in economic psychology and marketing.
+ Behavioral economics,
+ Economy and: health, public health and mental health.
+ Economy, the psychology of action, work (interdisciplinary), social psychophysiology, neuroeconomy, bioeconomy and »anthropopsychoecology«.
+ Work, social psychology of work (M. Argyle), multidisciplinary combinations; relations among (subjective) situations, resources (all three types) and tasks.
+ Team, group, organization, institution, …, regions, globalization (micro, mezzo, macro); management and managerial aproaches; communication, interaction and communicology.
+ Creativity and discoveries (in economy) – inventions, innovations, innovativeness.
+ Flexible automatization/ robotics and social robotics (accent on sociopsychological aspects).
+ Intra - & inter – disciplinary approaches in economic psychology.