Oddelek za filozofijo

Govorilne ure_Dolar Bahovec Eva

Red. prof. dr. Eva D. Bahovec vas obvešča, da bodo govorilne ure v torek, 10. 1. 2023, zaradi okužbe potekale po naslednji zoom povezavi:

Topic: Eva D. Bahovec's Zoom Meeting - GOVORILNE URE

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 830 0865 3033

Passcode: 537987

V primeru tehničnih težav prosim za klic ali sms na številko 041 782406.



Change of Office Hours

Faculty of Arts

Participate in the student essay contest

Faculty of Arts

Participate in the student essay contest

Change of Office Hours

Change of Office Hours