Dušan Mlacović

+386 1 2411 198

Office hours

Room 111 (Main faculty building, History department, 1st floor):

First (Winter) semester: Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. (prior notice required via e-mail).

Second (Summer) semester: Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. (prior notice required via e-mail).



Department of History

Asst. Prof. Dr. Dušan Mlacović



assist. prof. Dušan Mlacović, PhD;

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, History department

Aškerčeva 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia; +386 (0)1 241 11 90; dusan.mlacovic@ff.uni-lj.si


Dušan Mlacović is a medievalist, assistant professor at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Faculty of Arts, History department, teaching courses on history of South-East Europe in the Middle Ages and on general history of the Middle Ages (since 2008). His research interests are social, economic, urban and environmental medieval history of Adriatic.

Since 2021, he is Head of ICCHS - International Center for Comparative Historical Studies /Cultural Exchange at and beyond the Crossroads of the Venetian Republic and the Holy Roman Empire, see: https://www.ff.uni-lj.si/en/node/71066


Participation in international research projects:

The archaeological project Stari Bar, lead by Ca’Foscari University Venice, Italy (prof. Sauro Gelichi), role: a consultant in historiography, 2007;

Project URBES (Medieval Urban Settlements, Space and Elites in Croatia) lead by Croatian Institute of History from Zagreb, Croatia (prof. Irena Benyovsky Latin), 2015-2019, role: researcher and the coordinator of the Nortnern Adriatic group;

Projects TOPOS (Topography of Power: Eastern Adriatic Cities in Medieval Spheres of Power) lead by Croatian Institute of History from Zagreb, Croatia (prof. Irena Benyovsky Latin), 2020-2024, role: researcher;

Projekt Angevin Archiregnum in East Central and Southeastern Europe in the 14th Century: View from the Periphery lead by University of Zadar, Croatia (prof. Mladen Ančić), 2020-2024, role: researcher.

Currently a member of the scientific committee of the projekt Gouverner les iles - Territoires, ressources et savoirs des sociétés insulaires en Méditerranée (XVIe- XXIe siècle), based at GUVILES scientific program (French School of Rome, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Toulouse Jean Jaurès University); see: https://gouviles.hypotheses.org/dusan-mlacovic


Visting peofessorships, guest lecturer

Visting professor at University of Zadar (Croatia), Oct 15, 2011 – Jan 31, 2012 and University od Dubrovnik (Croatia). Apr 13 – May 13, 2016.

Guest lectures: Building of Venetian Power over Adriatic in Middle Ages, lecture, Universitad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real (Spain), March 6, 2008; Urban societies in the Eastern Adriatic (13th – 17th Cent.), lecture, Università di Padova (Italy), Oct. 23, 2014; Metodološki pristupi proučavanju kasnosrednjovjekovnog komunalnog društva na primjeru rapske komune (Methodological approaches to the research of the late medieval communal society, case of the Commune of Rab), lecture, Sveučilište u Zagrebu University of Zagreb (Croatia), Nov 30, 2021; Arbe caput mundi Roma secundi - The natural resources management in the island of Rab under Venetian rule, lecture, Jean Jaurès University Toulouse (France), Apr. 25, 2024.


Membership in the editorial boards:

Zgodovinski časopis : glasilo Zveze zgodovinskih društev Slovenije, Ljubljana (Slovenia), member of the editorial board and the deputy of editor-in-chief, since 2008;

Studies of the ottoman domain. Samsun (Turkey), ISSN 2147-5210, member of the editorial board, since 2011;

Povijesni prilozi. Zagreb (Croatia): Hrvatski institut za povijest, ISSN 0351-9767,  member of the editorial board, since 2012;

Atti. Trieste (Italy): Università popolare; Rovigno (Croatia): Centro di ricerche storiche; Fiume (Croatia): Unione Italiana, ISSN 0392-9493, member of the editorial board, since 2019;

Hiperboreea. [Print ed.]. University park (Pennsylvania, USA): Penn State University Press, 2012-. ISSN 2688-8211, member of the editorial board, since 2020.


Selected bibliography:


MLACOVIĆ, Dušan. The nobility and the island : the fall and rise of the Rab nobility, (Croatian history monographs). Zagreb: Leykam International, cop. 2012. 341 str., [46] str. pril., ilustr. ISBN 978-953-7534-90-5; first Croatian edition, 2008: ISBN 978-953-7534-10-3, second revised Croatian edition, 2012: ISBN 978-953-7534-10-3; Slovenian edition, 2008: ISBN 978-953-7534-14-1, Italian edition, 2012: ISBN 978-953-7534-89-9.


MLACOVIĆ, Dušan. An introduction to the history and social stratification in Stari Bar: the written sources. V: GELICHI, Sauro, BABBINI, Michela. A town through the ages : the 2006-2007 archaeological project in Stari Bar. Borgo San Lorenzo (Firenze): All'insegna del Giglio, 2008. Str. 101-105. ISBN 978-887814-384-5, ISBN 8878143847.

MLACOVIĆ, Dušan. A painting of a renaissance town: how a source grew to be a prank. The case of seventeenth-century painting from St. Anthony's in Rab. V: CHAVARRÍA ARNAU, Alexandra (ur.), JURKOVIĆ, Miljenko (ur.). Alla ricerca di un passato complesso : contributi in onore di Gian Pietro Brogiolo per il suo settantesimo compleanno. Zagreb; Motovun: International research center for late antiquity and the middle ages, 2016. Str. 285-304, ilustr. Dissertationes et monographiae, 8. ISBN 978-953-6002-92-4.

MLACOVIĆ, Dušan, MOGOROVIĆ CRLJENKO, Marija, DOBLANOVIĆ ŠURAN, Danijela. Istrian and dalmatian towns - urban space and the elites: the cases of Rovinj and Rab (Middle Ages and early modern period). Povijesni prilozi. 2019, god. 38, br. 56, str. 157-180, ilustr. ISSN 0351-9767. DOI: 10.22586/pp.v56i1.8965.

MLACOVIĆ, Dušan. Putting the late medieval north-eastern Adriatic on the regional communication map. V: FARA, Andrea (ur.). Italia ed Europa centro-orientale tra Medioevo ed età moderna : economia, società, cultura. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2022. Str. 25-39. Online-Schriften des DHI Rom, Neue Reihe, Nuova serie, Bd./vol. 7. ISBN 978-3-96822-082-6, ISBN 978-3-96822-083-3. ISSN 2700-144X.

MLACOVIĆ, Dušan. Koper v poznem srednjem veku: opažanja o mestu in njegovih portah po pregledu knjig koprskih vicedomov s konca 14. stoletja (Late Medieval Koper: Observations About the Town and its Gates From a Survey of the Books of the Koper Vicedomini from the End of the 14th Century). Acta Histriae, 2022, letn. 30, št. 4, str. 819-854. ISSN 1318-0185. DOI: 10.19233/AH.2022.34.

Compulsory Courses

Elective Courses


30. 01. - 31. 01. 2025
Faculty of Arts

The second doctoral conference of the Humanities and Social Sciences study programme: New perspectives in Humanities and Social sciences

09. 11. - 11. 11. 2023
Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts

26th Neolithic Seminar 'Eurasian Neolithics: How Cultures and Societies Evolve and Why It Matters'

27. 02. 2023
Faculty of Arts

Online presentation of University of Ljubljana for prospective international students

13. 10. 2022
Administrative Office for Doctoral Study, Faculty of Arts

EUTOPIA Citizen Science Clinics

15. 09. 2022
Administrative Office for Undergraduate Study Programme, Faculty of Arts

Reception for International Students at the Faculty of Arts and at the University of Ljubljana (two separate events)