Department of Philosophy

Imena na konicu nosu: imenovanje, voh in resnica

Member of UL implementing the project

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts

Project code


Project title

Imena na konicu nosu: imenovanje, voh in resnica

Project duration period

1. 10. 2022 - 30.9. 2025

Annual volume

1,63 FTE

Project leader

Simon Hajdini

Field and discipline

Humanities / Philosophy

Participating research organizations


This project addresses the relationship between names and smells, taking its cue from the tip-of-the-nose phenomenon, indicating a well-documented human inability of odor-identification. The project relates this impossibility to the fact that, in Indo-European languages at least, smells altogether lack proper names. We name smells either eponymously by relating them to their sources or synesthetically by borrowing their names from the other senses. Smells stand for lexical voids and represent the singular site of a universal linguistic disturbance: a universal olfactory anomia. The primary objective of the project is to examine the relationship between naming and the nameless realm of smells.


dr. Simon Hajdini (Sicris)

dr. Slavoj Žižek (Sicris)

dr. Lidija Šumah (Sicris)

dr. Sebastjan Vörös (Sicris)

dr. Gregor Moder (Sicris)

dr. Jure Simoniti (Sicris)

External partners: prof. David Howes (Concordia University, Montreal), prof. William T. S. Mazzarella (University of Chicago), prof. Eric L. Santner (University of Chicago), prof. Andrew Cutrofello (Loyola University, Chicago)

The implementation of the project will consist of 4 work-packages (WP). WP 1, WP 2, and WP 3 are tasked with the implementation of each of the three pillars:

I. Olfactory anomia
II. Reflexive Identity
III. Osmologies..

WP 4 focuses on the transfer of knowledge and project administration.

Simon Hajdini, What's That Smell? A Philosophy of the Olfactory (MIT Press, 2024)

Simon Hajdini, »Okultizem voha: od Fliessa in Freuda do Rilkeja in Süskinda«, Problemi 60, 7-8 (2022): 141-170.

Lidija Šumah, »Kaj je ukleščen afekt? Analitično branje kvazianalitičnega koncepta«, Problemi 60, 9-10 (2022): 171-198.

Jure Simoniti, The Untruth of Reality: The Unackoeledged Realism of Modern Philosophy (Lexington Books, 2016)

Slavoj Žižek, Sex and the Failed Absolute (Bloomsbury, 2019)

The research project is co-financed by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS).