Oddelek za azijske študije

Novi teoretski pristopi k primerjalni transkulturni filozofiji in metoda sublacije (Akronim: SUBLATIO)

Članica UL, ki izvaja projekt

UL, Filozofska fakulteta

Evidenčna številka projekta (šifra)


Naziv projekta

Novi teoretski pristopi k primerjalni transkulturni filozofiji in metoda sublacije (Akronim: SUBLATIO)

Obdobje trajanja projekta


Letni obseg

1,19 FTE

Vodja projekta

Jana Rošker

Veda in raziskovalno področje po šifrantu ARIS

6.10. Filozofija

Sodelujoče raziskovalne organizacije


The world in which we live is a globalized one. Therefore, all major crises facing societies today, such as ecological emergencies and climate change, armed conflicts and military aggression, as well as the unequal distribution of resources and wealth, are global in nature and cannot be addressed effectively by individual states alone. To promote global intercultural solidarity and cooperation, different cultures must learn from one another, particularly in terms of their philosophical, ethical, and axiological perspectives. This can be difficult due to a variety of factors, including historical separateness, ideational misunderstandings, and political differences. Hence, our project focuses on enhancing theoretical models of transcultural interaction within the field of philosophy. By improving these models, we aim to facilitate the much-needed exchange of knowledge and ideas between different cultures.

The project addresses the considerable difficulties Western scholars face in studying the intellectual histories of non-Western cultures. To this end, the project will first evaluate differences between cross-cultural, intercultural, and transcultural methods and identify common challenges faced by traditional methods of comparative philosophy. The project team will then propose new strategies to overcome these challenges and demonstrate how these new approaches can produce more comprehensive and accurate models for comparative transcultural philosophy, thereby minimizing or resolving the problems of traditional methods.

The project team specializes in East Asian intellectual traditions and will therefore focus on the specific historical and ideational foundations of these. We will begin by examining the semantic and hermeneutic implications of culturally divergent frames of reference and demonstrate the need for discursive translations. We will conduct a critical analysis of different methodologies that have been previously used in the field of intercultural comparative philosophy, such as the philosophy of fusion and philosophy of synthesis. On this basis, we will propose a new comparative approach that incorporates a new technique called "transcultural philosophical sublation", which can add value to the field by providing a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness and complex relationships between different cultures and philosophical traditions.

Since the concept of "sublation" is one that comes from Hegelian lines of thought, it could be seen as problematic for transcultural discourse. But it is far less deflationary than, for example, the method of "synthesis". It encompasses all three terms crucial to the process of creating something new from the interactions between different objects or phenomena, i.e. elimination, preservation, and arising. Unlike "synthesis" or "fusion", the term "sublation" refers to a process rather than a stage. This dynamic and non-essential nature makes it a useful concept for describing new forms of transcultural philosophizing better and more accurately than other approaches developed so far.

The basic principles of this method have been described in a chapter of the project leader's recent book, Interpreting Chinese Philosophy: A New Methodology (Bloomsbury Academic, 2021), for which she was awarded the 2022 prize for the best research achievement in the humanities by the University of Ljubljana. While the sublation method has been schematically established, it still requires further improvement in both its theoretical foundations and practical application. This is necessary in order to fully realize its potential and ensure that it is effective in achieving its intended purpose. As such, the project team needs to apply and demonstrate it on a large number of different individual cases. These demonstrations will enhance the theoretical model by providing real-world examples and practical insights, helping to address many remaining issues in intercultural philosophical comparisons.

Jana Rošker, Marko Ogrizek, Maja Maria Kosec

(Zunanji partnerji: Yang Xiaobo, Univerza v Suzhouju; Ivana Buljan, Univerza v Zagrebu,  Geir Sigurdsson, Univerza v Islandiji)

Spodaj je navedena realizacija faz, navedenih v levem stolpcu. (Realizacija se opiše ob koncu vsakega leta)

1.    Leto: od 01.10.2023-30.09.2024
2.    Leto: od 01.10.2024-30.09.2024
3.    Leto: od 01.10.2024-30.09.2025

Spodaj so navedene faze projekta.




Period             1


Period           2


Period           3


OA 1

Archival research, fieldwork, and networking

1) Europe

2) East Asia

3) Other East Asian regions


4) USA and Australia



OA 2

Organizing academic meetings

1) Workshops


2) Summer schools



3) Symposia



4) Conferences


OA 3

Project managing and reporting, meetings of the research team

1) Kick-off workshop



2) Meeting at the beginning of each period


3) Final meeting



4) Interim and final reports


OA 4

Research results (publications and

public lectures)

1)   Research articles in academic   journals

2) Chapters in monographs

3) Academic monographs


4) Edited volumes (anthologies)



5) Special issues in academic journals



6) Guest lectures

OA 5

Dissemination (presenting contents  

and findings)

1) Website and e-newsletters

2) Onsite presentations

3) Cultural dissemination

4) New didactic materials






Objavljeni prispevek na konferenci/Published contribution at the conference

 ROŠKER, Jana S. The cultural conditionality of Chinese modernization through the lens of the civilizational discourse. V: A civilizational dialogue as a framework for engagement on a possible planetary order: 17. -19. November 2023, Singapore : program. Berggruen Research Center at Peking University, 2023. Str. 22. Tianxia IV.

https://berggruen.org/news/tianxia-iv-conference-a-civilizational-dialogue-as-a-framework-for-engagement-on-a-possible. [COBISS.SI-ID 173420291


Slovenski opis: 
Objavljeni prispevek na konferenci: Vodja projekta Jana Rošker je na mednarodnem akademskem srečanju inštituta Berggruen (https://berggruen.org/), ki je bilo organizirano od 17. do 19. novembra v Singapurju, predstavila svoje videnje kitajske modernizacije skozi optiko kritike diskurza civilizacij. V tem okviru se je zavzela za razvoj in uporabo alternativnih modelov analize in interpretacije razmerja med univerzalnostjo in kulturno pogojenostjo modernizacijskih procesov v Vzhodni Aziji in predstavila metodo sublacije kot inovativen pristop k transkulturnemu raziskovanju družbenih transferjev. Prispevek je bil v celoti objavljen v programski knjigi konference, v predelani obliki pa bo objavljen tudi v zborniku, ki ga bo uredil Roger T. Ames, osrednji organizator konference, ter bo (predvidoma v letu 2025) izšel pri založbi State University of New York Press (SUNY).     

English description: 
Published contribution at the conference: Project leader Jana Rošker presented her vision of Chinese modernization through the lens of the critique of the discourse of civilizations at the international academic meeting of the Berggruen Institute (https://berggruen.org/), which took place from November 17 to 19 2023 in Singapore. In this context, she advocated the development and use of alternative models of analysis and interpretation of the relationship between universality and the culturally conditioned nature of modernization processes in East Asia. She introduced the method of sublation as an innovative approach to transcultural research of social transfers. The contribution was fully published in the conference program book, and in a revised form, it will also be published in the anthology edited by Roger T. Ames, the central organizer of the conference. The anthology is expected to be released in 2025 by the State University of New York Press (SUNY). 

Bibliografska referenca/Bibliographic reference  
ROŠKER, Jana S. The cultural conditionality of Chinese modernization through the lens of the civilizational discourse. V: A civilizational dialogue as a framework for engagement on a possible planetary order: 17. -19. November 2023, Singapore : program. Berggruen Research Center at Peking University, 2023. Str. 22. Tianxia IV. https://berggruen.org/news/tianxia-iv-conference-a-civilizational-dialogue-as-a-framework-for-engagement-on-a-possible. [COBISS.SI-ID 173420291]


Slovenski opis:  
Vabljeno gostujoče predavanje tujega profesorja: Vodja projekta Jana Rošker je v sodelovanju z doc. dr. Teo Sernelj na Univerzi v Ljubljani organizirala gostujoče predavanje profesorja Heinerja Roetza iz Rurske Unvierze v Bochumu. Predavanje, ki je bilo 11.12.2023 v Zbornični dvorani Univerze v Ljubljani, je kritično obravnavalo interpretacijo Japersove teorije osnega obdobja s strani Eisenstadtove Teorijo mnogoterih modernosti. Predavatelj se je zavzel za razvoj in uporabo novih, transkulturno bolj primernih pristopov k preučevanju socialne zgodovine Kitajske in Evrope. Predavanju, ki se ga je udeležilo skoraj sto študentk in študentov ter univerzitetnih učiteljev in učiteljic, je sledila debata, ki se je med drugim dotikala tudi ustreznosti metode sublacije v najnovejših primerjalnih raziskavah različnih kulturnih tradicij.  

English description: 
Invited guest lecture by a foreign professor: Project leader Jana Rošker, in collaboration with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tea Sernelj at the University of Ljubljana, organized a guest lecture by Professor Heiner Roetz from the Ruhr University in Bochum. The lecture, held on December 11, 2023, in the Assembly Hall of the University of Ljubljana, critically examined the interpretation of Jaspers' theory of axial age by Eisenstadt's Theory of Multiple Modernities. The lecturer advocated for the development and application of new, transculturally more appropriate approaches to the study of the social history of China and Europe. The lecture, attended by almost a hundred students and university teachers, was followed by a debate, which, among other things, addressed the adequacy of the sublation method in the latest comparative studies of different cultural traditions. 

Plakat (vabilo)/ Poster (invitation): 

Plakat gostujočega predavanja profesorja Heinerja Roet

 Raziskovalni projekt je (so)financiran s strani Javne agencije za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije (ARIS).