Osrednja humanistična knjižnica

Library Membership for Exchange Students During COVID-19

To become a member of our library, you have to apply for library membership by filling in a User Registration Form for Foreign Citizens and emailing it to your department library. Once the registration is carried out, you will receive a registration confirmation slip, which you need to apply for free membership in other faculty libraries of the University of Ljubljana, the National and University Library or the Central Technological Library. Due to the current circumstances, you are exempt from the registration fee.

By registering in one department library you automatically become a member of all 18 department libraries. Your Student ID card serves as your library card and is not transferable to another person. It is valid in all libraries of the University of Ljubljana (UL), in the National and University Library (NUK) and in the Central Technological Library (CTK).


Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani

Vabilo k sodelovanju na letovanjih in taborih Medobčinskega društva prijateljev mladine za Goriško

Oddelek za zgodovino

Obvestilo - strokovna služba oddelka

Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko

Pisarna oddelka 16. in 18.4.

Oddelek za filozofijo

Sprememba GU Olga Markič

Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani

Vabilo na 17. Pohod humanosti