Introduction to CHL FF (OHK FF) and COBISS+ for Foreign Students

In case the epidemiological situation detiriorates, the course will be held online via Zoom.

A course in English designed for the international exchange students and the regular foreign students of the Faculty of Arts. The course provides an insight into the structure and organisation of the Central Humanities Library (CHL) of the Faculty of Arts and its 18 departmental libraries. Participants will learn about their locations, opening hours, library services and information services for our users. We teach students how to search the union bibliographic database and the local databases of Slovene libraries in the open public access catalogue COBISS+. They are introduced to different types of search: basic, advanced and expert search. Students will learn how to log in to My COBISS user profile and how to use its services (My Libraries, My Shelf, My Searches, etc.). We pay special attention to the My Libraries service so that students will be able to make reservations, orders and renewals of their library loans by themselves. We also introduce them to the virtual library of Slovenia on the mobile device, mCOBISS.

Time: 7:30–8:50

Lecturer: asist. dr. Tjaša Jug

Please register two days in advance, indicate your course and year of study:

The course is free of charge.


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